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Public Health

The health of Burlingame community members is affected by land use policy, project design, and equitable access to health resources. The City is committed to taking actions that ensure the continued health of the community, both in terms of preventative measures such as promoting active lifestyles and healthy foods, access to parks and other areas for physical activity, as well as access to doctors and medical treatment. The following goal and policies aim to enhance the health and quality of life of all in the community.

Goal: HP-1

Improve the overall health and well-being of all Burlingame residents through land use and design policies, equitable access to health care, and opportunities for healthy lifestyle choices.

Prioritize the health of all Burlingame residents in City strategies, polices, programs, daily operations, and practices. 

Services and Operations Partnerships with the Private Sector Public Information and Education

Accommodate healthcare facilities of all sizes in Burlingame, and work with major healthcare institutions to promote appropriate expansion of services and ensure equitable, affordable, and convenient treatment for all community members. 

Partnerships with the Private Sector Master Plans

Provide convenient access to a variety of recreation opportunities, parks and open spaces for all community members. 

Development Review Services and Operations

Partner with public transportation agencies and healthcare providers to improve connections between Burlingame’s neighborhoods and healthcare facilities.

Agency Coordination

Collaborate with local health officials, planners, non-profits, institutions, businesses, and schools to promote healthy lifestyles and educate Burlingame residents about healthcare options. 

Agency Coordination Public Information and Education

Improve sidewalks, streetscapes, community centers, parks and open spaces, and traffic conditions in neighborhoods to encourage walking and activity on the local streets and public areas. 

Development Review Master Plans Services and Operations

Create opportunities for Burlingame community members to incorporate physical activity into everyday activities by promoting walking and biking as alternatives to automobile use, as outlined in the Mobility Element. 

Master Plans Public Information and Education

Support the San Mateo County Safe Routes to School and other similar programs that promote walking and biking to and from school for children and parents. Study options to remove potential physical barriers and improve dangerous intersections near schools. 

Agency Coordination Studies and Reports

Support local and regional programs that educate and inform motorists to be aware of non-vehicle roadway users to promote overall safety and multimodal streets. 

Agency Coordination Public Information and Education

Accommodate development projects that incorporate access to services, transit, recreation, community meeting spaces, amenities, healthcare, and universal design elements that enable Burlingame residents to remain in their homes as they age. 

Development Review

Craft land use policies that provide for all residents to be within short distances of fresh and healthy food sources, such as grocery stores, healthy corner stores, farmers’ markets, and community gardens. Incentivize healthy food options in existing stores and food venues. 

Master Plans Services and Operations Partnerships with the Private Sector

Identify opportunity sites for additional community gardens throughout the city. Have the Burlingame Parks and Recreation Department partner with community groups and non-profit organizations to establish the gardens. 

Studies and Reports Partnerships with the Private Sector Public Information and Education

Work with the Burlingame School District and the San Mateo Union High School District to implement urban agriculture programs on school and City sites. 

Agency Coordination

Encourage new multi-family housing developments to include designated community gardens for their residents as part of open space requirements, particularly in high-density areas such as North Burlingame and Rollins Road. 

Development Review

Allow for the small-scale growing of food products and keeping of bees and fowl in single-family neighborhoods, both for personal use and sale. 

Development Review