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Bicycle Facilities

Oftentimes the approach to addressing traffic congestion is to expand and redesign roadways to better accommodate cars and trucks. However, these improvements can be costly, eliminate or impinge upon businesses, and cause environmental damage. Promoting and providing facilities that encourage bicycling and other forms of active transportation can present cost-effective solutions to address these challenges while providing additional community benefits.

Convenient and safe bicycling is a way of life in cities throughout the world. In addition to getting from here to there cheaply, cyclists are able to introduce healthful physical activity into their daily routines. Any trip made by bicycle supports environmental goals related to air quality improvements and greenhouse gas emission reductions.

In Burlingame, bike trips can be relatively easy on the flatlands, provided the infrastructure is in place to encourage riders with skills ranging from those of the casual user to the enthusiast. This may consist of a simple striped and signed lane. In the hillside neighborhoods, biking can be more of a challenge due to terrain, but bike facilities nonetheless can be provided to link homes to parks and schools. Burlingame is committed to establishing and maintaining a citywide bicycle network that provides convenient internal circulation and links to regional facilities. Bike facilities will be installed as shown on Figure M-2, and the planned physical changes to the circulation system will be coupled with policies and programs that support biking, including requirements for secure bicycle parking and bicycle safety education.

The bicycle facilities shown on Figure M-2 consist of four classes that are used throughout the U.S. Figure M-3 illustrates typical cross sections for each class.

Goal: M-3

Develop a network of high-quality, convenient, safe, and easy-to-use bicycle facilities to increase the number of people who use bicycles for everyday transportation.

Develop a safe, convenient, and integrated bicycle network that connects residential neighborhoods to employment, education, recreation, and commercial destinations throughout Burlingame, as illustrated in Figure M-2. 

Master Plans Development Review Services and Operations

Ensure that roadway intersections, crossings, on-street bicycle lanes (Class II), separated bicycle paths (Class I), and other bicycle network facilities provide safe and comfortable connections to support continuous bicycle routes. 

Master Plans Development Review Services and Operations

Establish a separated bikeway on California Drive that allows cyclists to move easily through Burlingame to connections north and south of the city, and that allows for interaction with businesses along California Drive (see detail under California Drive discussion). 

Development Review Master Plans Services and Operations

Design and construct bicycle and transit facilities so they reduce conflicts between cyclists and buses along transit corridors, while also ensuring these new facilities improve access to transit and support intermodal trips (e.g., bicycle to bus connections). 

Master Plans Services and Operations

Encourage bicycling by providing wayfinding signage that directs bicyclists to designated bike routes and to civic places, cultural amenities, and visitor and recreational destinations. Along bike routes, provide clear and unambiguous signage that alerts drivers to the presence of cyclists. 

Development Review Master Plans Services and Operations

Provide standards in the Zoning Code that address required bicycle parking, including provisions for secured facilities, as well as other development features and incentives that encourage bicycle use (e.g., changing rooms at places of business). 

Development Review

Ensure that the City maintains an adequate capital improvement budget for ongoing assessment and maintenance of bicycle facilities, including pavement markings, wayfinding signage, and bicycle parking/storage. 

Financing and Budgeting Services and Operations

Work with Caltrans, the local school districts, and bicycle user groups to conduct programs and training focused on bicycle safety education. 

Services and Operations Agency Coordination Public Information and Education

Establish a Bicycle Commission community advisory board to review and provide comments as appropriate on streetscape projects, development projects, and City-initiated bicycle programs. 

Agency Coordination Services and Operations Development Review

Implement a bicycle sharing program to provide an alternative to driving, enhance bicycle accessibility, and offer a last-mile option to transit. 

Services and Operations Partnerships with the Private Sector