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North Burlingame Mixed Use

The North Burlingame Mixed Use (NBMU) designation creates a high-intensity development node within walking distance of the Millbrae multimodal transit station. Permitted uses include retail, service commercial, dining establishments, offices, and high-density residential. Development may occur as mixed-use projects or single-purpose buildings, provided the node, as a whole, includes a mix of uses. Housing development should provide housing options for all income levels. Development approaches must emphasize a pedestrian-friendly environment, with active ground-floor treatments and no parking levels that front directly on El Camino Real or Trousdale Drive. The design, scale, and massing of new buildings should be sensitive to adjacent lower-intensity residential neighborhoods.

Development Standards: 20.1–140.0 Dwelling Units per Gross Acre / Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 1.0 (Commercial) or 2.0 (Office)

North Burlingame mixed use building examples