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The Live/Work (L/W) designation applies to the northerly one-third of the Rollins Road corridor, located within easy walking distance of the Millbrae multimodal transit station, and is intended to promote a creative mix of medium-density residential buildings and workspaces. The City envisions creation of a complete new neighborhood, where residents and creative businesses have ready access to transit and commercial and open space amenities. Live/work spaces that combine residential units with commercial spaces, typically in which the resident uses the workspace for his or her own business, are envisioned as the primary residential type, but stand-alone, moderate-scale residential development may be permitted, provided the development includes or contributes to district-wide functional open space amenities. Long-established industrial buildings and uses may remain, provided any new use proposed in an existing industrial building is deemed compatible with live/work uses, as defined in the Zoning Code. In addition to light industrial and warehouse, commercial uses that serve the neighborhood, creative industry businesses, design businesses, indoor sports and recreation, and wholesale uses are allowed.

Live/work building examples

Development Standards: Up to 70 Dwelling Units per Gross Acre / Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 1.0

Live/work building examples