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Principle 5: Healthy People, Healthy Places

The health and safety of the City’s residents and its natural environment are fundamental to the many goals of this General Plan. Burlingame continues to plan for community resilience and physical and social health of the community through all policies, guided by the following Plan Principles.

  • Provide unique recreation experiences in parks, open spaces, and public plazas citywide.
  • Promote development approaches that emphasize nonmotorized and pedestrian access.
  • Incorporate high-quality, energy-efficient, and sustainable design into all new development.
  • Preserve and enhance open spaces, natural resources, and environmentally sensitive areas, including the Bay and the local creek system.
  • Maintain and enhance public safety through community and environmental designs that promote secure, active, and safe streets and neighborhoods.
  • Celebrate and accommodate arts, culture, and diversity.
